Do you think you, a friend or family member has a drug addiction? (And Britney Too!) It is very important to spot the problem as soon as possible because the longer the addiction lingers, the harder it is to solve the drug addiction. When you are looking for someone to contact, you might want to have a look at a drug rehab referral service such as They can guide you into the right direction with the contacts you need for finding a drug rehab near you. On the site is also filled with information about different drugs, that you can look at if you know which drug is causing the problem, you can understand it better that way. The main things that needs to be done is identifying the problem. Different drugs react different to different people.

The first thing to do when you find out that someone you know has a drug addiction is to bring them into drug rehab. Drug rehab is filled qualified professionals that will know what needs to be done to help the person with their drug addiction. They will be the ones to identify which drug treatment works best since every drug addiction case is unique.

If drug rehab is helping a lot, the next step is to assure that the drug addiction will not occur again. You can do so by being supportive to your friend. It takes a lot of will to get over an addiction and to not fall back into the hole. By being supportive, the person will know that there is someone who cares about their problem which will help them not turn to drugs. Treatment such as talking to a therapist (if there was a personal reason why the drugs were taken in the first place) may help.