Strawberry on the Shortcake (also known as SOS/S.O.S.) is an upcoming Japanese drama (J-Dorama) on ABS-CBN. This is the first J-Dorama on Kapamilya Network and consist of 10 episodes, the series was originally broadcasted by TBS in Japan. Leaded by Takizawa Hideaki and Fukada Kyoko, this show won 3 awards in the 28th Television Drama Academy Awards.
At some point, Irie Manato began to withdraw himself from the world. Even when picked on, it's not the real Irie, but an act. However one day he meets a strange girl - Misawa Yui. Yui, who finds the tedium of everyday life unbearable, teases Manato with her almost too upfront and honest manner. Alone and afraid Manato wavers but finds himself drawn to her. But his feelings for Yui are doomed to be unrequited.
* Takizawa Hideaki as Irie Manato
* Fukada Kyoko as Misawa Yui
* Uchiyama Rina as Sawamura Haruka
* Kubozuka Yosuke as Saeki Tetsuya
* Ishida Yuriko as Asami Mariko
* Okada Nana as Mizawa Yurie (Yui's mother)
* Nagashima Toshiyuki as Irie Kengo (Manato's father)
* Hayashi Tomoka
* Matsuo Masatoshi
* Nakamura Mami
* Doi Yoshio
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